Quotes about Truth
There is no one better prepared than Joe Biden to steer our nation through these turbulent times, and restore truth, honor, and decency to the Oval Office, he is kind and endlessly caring, and he truly listens to the American people.Get Image
Let us speak the truth: People are protesting because Black people have been treated as less than human in America. Because our country has never fully addressed the systemic racism that has plagued our country since its earliest days. It is the duty of every American to fix. No longer can some wait on the sidelines, hoping for incremental change. In times like this, silence is complicity.Get Image
My identity is not my obstacle. My identity is my superpower. Because the truth is, I am what the world looks like. You are what the world looks like.Get Image
There is no free speech in real world and you will be suppressed for telling the truth that is not supported by the system.Get Image
The truth is that we lag behind other developed countries in many of the policies that bring working families together. That's wrong. It's a travesty. And it should be an embarrassment to anyone who claims to speak for family values in this country.Get Image
In the end the numbers rule. They always dictate the truth.Get Image
As for the question of what's on the other side - truth is, I don't know. But I believe that life is energy and energy can neither be created nor destroyed, it can only change forms. And whatever form I take on next, I just hope my connection to those I love will remain.Get Image
The days of decency and virtue are gone honey, BAM! It freaking evaporated like a dingy, stinky mud puddle! One day you... you see your reflection in it, and the next day it's a... it's a damn oil spot on your cracked driveway staring back at you, mocking you... Blah Blah Blah! Knowing the perverted truth will rot in the pit of your soul! That's how my freaking day was!Get Image
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